March 2025 Progress Update

Happy March! Before the time turns back let’s go over what we did last month!


We wrapped up adding NPCs to Myranova – one of the last huge cities. Here’s a few of the NPCs and areas.

Monthly BiMonthly Updates?

Now if you’ve been reading these for a while you have noticed that updates are getting shorter and shorter- and this is a good thing. Honestly.

We’re reaching the point in development where a lot of stuff is just… gluing everything together. There’s not a whole lot visually going on, and on the other side of the spectrum it’s stuff like “wrote a debate which we cannot share because spoilers”.

So what does that mean for the updates? Well… we’ve decided to have less of them.

These updates are a way for us to communicate the status of development, but we also want them to be meaningful and not just a report of things we’ve done. However at the same time we want to share the things we’re doing and why some decisions are made and also to sort of be like “hey guys yes development is still ongoing”. So for now we think the best thing to do is to move to BiMonthly Updates.

In terms of months and updates this means:

  • May: Update
  • July: Update
  • September: Update
  • etc.

What’s Next?

March’s main focus will be to finish adding Ziacia’s NPCs. This will be a big task since the city is by far the largest. We’re also going to be starting on additional SFX and VFX work and hopefully working towards wrapping up the turn-based battle upgrades!

As we move into April we hope to wrap up the remaining custom in-game Kickstarter backer rewards, and begin work on updating the water shader to make it look closer to how it was before.

As for other things – we’ll be working on rebalancing in the background. We’ve got a lot of battle, economy and debates to work on.

We hope everyone stays healthy as we move into the final months of winter!

February 2025 Progress Update

Wow January just flew right on by! Let’s go over what we were up to and where we’re going!

Minigame Prototype

This past month we focused on adding NPCs and animals to Myranova, and although we aren’t just ready to show that off just yet – in the process of that work we talked about adding a minigame.

See Myranova is a big tourist area and in big tourist areas there’s always people looking to scam play some games with visitors. One thing we wanted to add was little carnival games you could play to get scammed make some money. Originally we wanted to add a custom minigame, but that requires a lot of work and- oh. It seems a game jam is right around the corner. Well let’s see what the theme is maybe it’ll give us ideas- Oh. Well. We have a minigame now.


We’ll be working on polishing up the mechanics for the game over the next year here and there, but we welcome everyone to try it out and provide feedback. We’ve also been asked before what our Game Design Documents for Gataela look like. Great news! This one has one. And for even more bonus behind the scenes – we streamed about half the development! (VODs will be uploaded during this week)

So enjoy playing! We’ll be adding this to the game closer to completion as it’s technically scope creep. At least it’s in the same engine so porting should be straight forward.

Kickstarter Rewards

We’ve been talking about it for a while and it’s finally here – the shop is now live with leftover Kickstarter Rewards! We’ll be keeping the shop up until April or so after which we will temporarily close it until the Fall. We’ll remind you all before the closure but keep the dates in mind in case there’s something you’re interested in!

What’s Next?

Next month is some work, some prep and some upgrades. We’ll be:

  • Finishing Myranova NPCs
  • Starting on Ziacia NPCs
  • Upgrading Gamemaker Version
  • Preparing for additional SFX and VFX work

January 2025 Progress Update

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a good holiday season! Let’s talk about what we were up to in December, go over 2024 and talk about our plans for 2025!

December 2024

December was a very busy month! To give a brief idea, we added a good chunk of Kickstarter backer rewards, added a lot of NPCs and passive animals, and fixed a bug here and there. Here’s some of the NPCs we added:

2024 in Review

Well, this year was quite a strange one. If you remember the plan – we were going to focus on adding content and putting everything together and- to some degree- we did succeed! BUT we were heavily impacted by layoffs. Other than just personally being out of a job – we could not pay other members of the team for remaining work – putting a standstill on certain parts of the project (ex. SFX). Another impact was that we could not spend more than a set number of hours per week on the project or we might lose employment insurance. So the project itself was also pretty heavily affected. That being said, we were able to get a few things done so let’s take a quick look!

We finished:

We also:

    2025 Plans

    2025 is going to be our year! Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. And why? That’s right! We’re employed!

    Not to get too much into the details, but the job search this time around was by far the worst experience. To everyone else still busy looking we wish you the best.

    As for what this means for the project, to put it broadly, we’ll be unchained from money and time restrictions and be able to get back into it. It should be expected though that this first quarter is going to be very, very rough as we get back into the swing of things. That being said, because of 2024 we want to put a lot of effort into 2025. This means:

    • Finish adding all the Kickstarter rewards
    • Finish adding NPCs, animals, treasure, etc. to the maps
    • Finish the TTBattle SFXs
    • Rebalancing Debate battles & related facts/evidence/side quests etc.
    • Add debate battles & side quests
    • Map visual upgrades (ex. the water shader)
    • Performance and bug fixes as needed
    • Demo updates as needed

    We will also be launching the shop with the old Kickstarter physical rewards mid-late January (keep an eye out).

    Thank you for all the support and we wish you all a great start to the new year!

    December 2024 Progress Update

    Happy December! The snow is starting and so has the holiday season so let’s go over what we’ve been up to over the past two months!

    Demo Update

    In case you missed it, we put out a small demo patch last month fixing a crash and providing a small performance update. A number of other non-critical bugs were logged (thank you!) and those have since been fixed on our end.

    NPCs & Animals

    We’ve been working on adding NPCs and Animals to some of the newer maps. Let’s look at a couple locations!

    Storefront Shenanigans

    We mentioned before that we were working on setting up a shop for older merch we’ve made… and it’s here! Except… well… have you heard of Canada Post strikes? They started when we were hoping to launch the shop. So the shop is ready but we can’t ship anything yet and we’re certain no one is interested in paying 50CAD for shipping. So instead please take some time to peruse the photos and if there’s anything of interest take note – we’ll be launching officially sometime in the new year once the strike is over.

    What’s Next?

    As we are entering into the holiday season and things are slowing down, we’ll be trying to get as much as we can get done before the end of the year. It’s been a roller coaster and we’ll be trying to cross off at least a few goals from earlier this year:

    • Kickstarter Rewards – We’ll be trying to add all of the interiors and NPCs this month
    • NPCs & Animals – Focusing on the remaining towns and cities before revisiting older maps
    • Balancing Planning – Now that most of the battle upgrades are in we need to rebalance them. This means research!

    We hope everyone has a relaxing holiday season and we’ll see you in the new year!

    0.7.3 Release Notes


    This is a small update to fix a crash some users have reported.

    It is available to download on Itch, Gamejolt and Steam.

    If you come across any issues, please log them here. For more dedicated support feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or email us.

    Change Log


    • Ignore transparent tiles while perform tile-checking for VFX/SFX


    • Fixed a crash during cutscenes when a character moves backwards