Happy Belated Halloween! We hope you all had a tricky treaty time. Here’s what we were up to during October!

A small abandoned town just across the river from Klatchez. It used to be a popular in-between town for people looking to travel to the Ovion Empire, but it became ruined during the civil war. Many bandits and others thrown away by society have taken up residence here.

Despite the state of the town, a lot of effort has gone into making the inn presentable… even if there’s only one good floor. They’ve patched up the holes, moved the best furniture in there, and may or may not serve a warm breakfast. If any merchants or visitors pass through they’re sure to get a decent stay in the hopes of providing some wares or at least some cash.

Most homes have holes in their walls and broken furniture, but this house-turned-warehouse is the worse of them. Everything here is free to use for repairs or kindling. It’s also a really fun “secret” hideout.
This makes the last small town to have their interiors done. Next? The big cities: Vescha, Olvia and Ziacia! (These might take a while 🤫)

This month we’re going to highlight one new skill: Foresight. Our dear skill user focuses their energy and they are just so smart they can see your punches coming before you even throw them.
This skill is similar to the Block and Dodge skills in that by triggering this skill you will be able to avoid/minimize the first skill to damage you for the turn. In the same vein it will also raise your crit for the rest of the turn as well.
When reviewing the basic skills (Attack, Dodge and Block) and their relevant stats (Attack, Speed and Defence) we realized that the Crit stat was missing something. As a recap:
- Attack – how much damage you do
- Defence – how much damage does not affect you & how likely you are to block
- Speed – how quickly your turn executes in battle & how likely you are to dodge
- Crit – how likely you are do a direct hit avoiding defence
🤔 Seems like Crit doesn’t have as many benefits 🤔
To help balance that there’s two things we’ve changed:
- Added a foresight skill
- Crit – how likely you are do a direct hit avoiding defence & how likely you are to foresee an attack
As a side note – we consider attack to be a primary stat attribute, while defence, speed and crit are all sub stats. Attack doesn’t need help. Everyone picks it. Every time.
What’s Next?
Now with all that said, here’s what we’re focusing on for the next month:
- Cutscenes cutscenes cutscenes
- Vescha Interiors
- Finishing Dungeon Puzzle Assets
- More skills