Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a good holiday season! Let’s talk about what we were up to in December, go over 2024 and talk about our plans for 2025!
December 2024
December was a very busy month! To give a brief idea, we added a good chunk of Kickstarter backer rewards, added a lot of NPCs and passive animals, and fixed a bug here and there. Here’s some of the NPCs we added:
2024 in Review
Well, this year was quite a strange one. If you remember the plan – we were going to focus on adding content and putting everything together and- to some degree- we did succeed! BUT we were heavily impacted by layoffs. Other than just personally being out of a job – we could not pay other members of the team for remaining work – putting a standstill on certain parts of the project (ex. SFX). Another impact was that we could not spend more than a set number of hours per week on the project or we might lose employment insurance. So the project itself was also pretty heavily affected. That being said, we were able to get a few things done so let’s take a quick look!
We finished:
- Adding all of the MSQ
- Adding all of the city interiors
- Adding puzzles & mechanics for a certain dungeon
- Creating all of the new TTBattle VFX and then adding them to the game
We also:
- Made a number of performance improvements and bug fixes
- Released a couple demo updates in February, August and November
- Added some SFX for some Battle VFX
- Added passive animals & behaviour
- Added NPCs and Passive Animals to many of the cities
- You can pet the animals
- Implemented battle images change depending on what weapon you’re holding
- Added most Kickstarter rewards
2025 Plans
2025 is going to be our year! Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. And why? That’s right! We’re employed!
Not to get too much into the details, but the job search this time around was by far the worst experience. To everyone else still busy looking we wish you the best.
As for what this means for the project, to put it broadly, we’ll be unchained from money and time restrictions and be able to get back into it. It should be expected though that this first quarter is going to be very, very rough as we get back into the swing of things. That being said, because of 2024 we want to put a lot of effort into 2025. This means:
- Finish adding all the Kickstarter rewards
- Finish adding NPCs, animals, treasure, etc. to the maps
- Finish the TTBattle SFXs
- Rebalancing Debate battles & related facts/evidence/side quests etc.
- Add debate battles & side quests
- Map visual upgrades (ex. the water shader)
- Performance and bug fixes as needed
- Demo updates as needed
We will also be launching the shop with the old Kickstarter physical rewards mid-late January (keep an eye out).
Thank you for all the support and we wish you all a great start to the new year!