October 2019 Progress Update

Hey everyone! Hope everyone’s been doing well. This post this month is super short as there’s only 1 thing on the agenda: The Demo Update!

Demo Update!

As we’ve been saying for months now, the demo update is on the way. We will have more details on the exact date sometime this month, but we’re happy to say that the demo is almost complete! Somewhere between 99% and 100% to be correct.

We had wanted to stream most of the remaining progress on Twitch last month, but due to technical difficulties it wasn’t possible. That being said, we did squash over 50 bugs! Our recent play tests have also produced very few critical bugs so the demo is all-in-all in a good place.

Speaking of bugs, we counted up just how much work has gone into this demo update. As of writing, we’ve made 887 changes! This includes either new features or bugs fixes and so on. Hopefully that number doesn’t climb too much higher…. but it’s quite a feat! This past year and a bit has been very very busy!

So once again, apologies for the delay. We hope it’ll be in your hands soon enough!

Have a spoopy October~