Happy Summer! We hope everyone is keeping cool and safe. Here’s how the development of Gataela went during June!
Levels & Music

We’ve been chugging along working on the updated levels and music for the new areas, and pictured above is a comparison of one of those! This level is located just north of Vescha and used to have some of the city spilling out into it at the bottom. With the changes we made last month to the city’s layout, this isn’t happening anymore, so there’s more room for vegetation!
It’s been great seeing a lot more visual interest being added to the world of Gataela while working on these changes, and it should help everyone traveling through the game feel like each area is more distinct. But if on the off chance the visual changes aren’t enough, we completed the soundtrack for these to help too!
Speaking of the soundtrack, William has been doing an amazing job and it’s now at 60 tracks! With such a monumental number, it’s a good time to mention that the soundtrack will also be released for sale at some point in the future! We’ll be posting a sneak preview of the new music for this area later this month, so look forward to it!
Battle Upgrades & SFXs

Another big focus for the last month was more battle animations, but in particular the SFX for them. We finished off our first round of work back in December, which updated all of the existing SFX in the game. For the last couple of months, we’ve been focusing on adding SFX for all of the battle skills! This is a huge step forward, and we’re looking forward to sharing it with everyone!
What’s Next?

As per usual, we’ll be focusing on the three key areas: levels, battle upgrades & story. We’re aiming to finish off adding the rest of the updated skill animations for battles in July, as well as finishing creating the new weapon animations for all of the characters. Another big focus in the near future will be level work, and we’re hoping to round out the end of the quarter with a whole new province added.