The Summer Beta Update is here! As mentioned previously, this update is quite large, as we’ve finished off the story in the province of Wynoa for now, and have moved on to province of Lakure!
We’ve added a large number of maps, skits, story, a new dungeon, a new party member and new art, along with more bug fixes and enhancements.
Please note that due to the current work to rebalance the economy and battles that the new province lacks items and enemies in the overworld. This will be adjusted over time, as the next beta update plans to flesh out the province more.
We recommend making a copy of your save files (the .sqlite files) in your game directory before continuing. There should be no issues, but we do upgrade the files in this release.
If you come across any issues, feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or shoot us an email. Bug reports and feature requests can also be logged here.
Release Notes
- The province of Lakure: 24 new overworld maps
- Note: The game now has 50 overworld maps.
- The towns of Itaea, Roatte and Lakure
- Note: Lakure is temporarily blocked off for the next content update.
- A new dungeon
- More skits
- A new party member
- A chance to fail escaping
- Max and min inventory item counts
- Gamepad configuration options – not currently available
- HP bars will now change color to better reflect remaining percents
- Gameover modals
- A short input delay when a text box appears to prevent spamming the button and missing key dialogue
- New enemy types
- When a character levels up, they will gain new skills if appropriate
- A shortcut to adding points to your character’s stats
- Criticals and Misses have been added to battles
- Debate results screen will show everyone who has levelled up, similar to the Turn-Based results screen
- A new cutscene system.
- Note: There is a mixing of old and new cutscene systems now. After the 2.3 Gamemaker update during Q3 or Q4 we will be transitioning to the new cutscene system to fix a number of annoying bugs, such as flashing screens, or disappearing NPCs.
- Confirm changes modal to a number of menu screens
- New difficulty options: modify the enemy’s EXP and HP values using a multiplier.
- Skills can level up after use
- Block and Dodge now work correctly
- Skill information not being included when calculating battle damage
- Equipment information not being included when calculating battle stats
- Boss battles being marked as being escape-able
- Line beside skit button on the HUD
- Party members were not correctly executing their actions in the right order during battles
- Shadow appearing wrong in Vuni behind a house
- A number of bugs in the Equipment Screen
- Tile checking for water was incorrect
- Potential save crash
- Added a number of unit tests to verify stability of the game in key areas going forward. Along with adding the framework for simulating battles to balance the game better, this will help avoid users finding potential bugs.
- Added command-line building of Gataela and a nightly process to run unit tests. This will ensure that if the game breaks, we’re notified the day of, instead of during testing. Should result in more stability going forward.